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Caught (Men of the Show Book 3) Page 4
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Page 4
Shannon was more than ready to start the celebration, and anything to help her relax she was taking. She took the flute from Maddie and had to restrain from downing it immediately.
Maddie held her drink in the air. “To the most beautiful bride on the planet on your wedding day. I’m so happy for you and Jerry. He’s one lucky man.”
“Damn right he is,” Karen said.
“Even though I still can’t believe you’re getting married, I’m so happy for you! To the best big sister a girl could have,” Shannon added, fighting back the tears.
“Don’t you make me cry,” Karen warned.
They clinked their glasses and giggled at the emotional mess they were. Shannon and Maddie each took a healthy drink of their champagne and just as Karen’s was practically to her lips, she put her flute down.
“Oh! I almost forgot. I need you to go get Nancy,” she said to Maddie of the wedding planner. “I forgot to tell her that I want to switch up one of the table arrangements.”
“Oh, okay.” Maddie took another sip and headed out.
Shannon waited until Maddie was out of the room before she turned back to Karen, noticing the champagne still sat ignored.
“I can’t pretend not to notice anymore. Spill it, please,” she pleaded.
“What are you talking about?” Karen adjusted some of the pins in her hair to ensure they were not showing.
“You and not drinking. When are you going to tell me you’re pregnant?
Karen’s eyes bugged and a slight blush stole her cheeks, and even though Shannon had been sure, Karen’s confirmation gave her a jolt. Shannon gasped. “Oh my God! You are! You’re pregnant?”
Karen stood and grabbed her hands. “Don’t tell anyone! I’ve been trying to keep it a secret and pretend to be drinking and stuff, only taking little sips here and there, and I’ve been going crazy thinking I’m not going to fit in my dress, but luckily I’m still kind of small.”
“How far along are you?”
“Going on four months. Jerry and I wanted to wait to tell everyone until after the wedding and all the craziness.”
Shannon pulled her sister into a tight, bouncy hug, and they were giggling with laughter when Maddie walked back in.
“She’ll be up in a minute. What’s going on?”
Karen smiled at Shannon before turning to her best friend. “Shannon figured out my big secret, so I’ll tell you, but you cannot tell anyone else.”
Maddie sat on the chaise. “Tell anyone what? That you’re pregnant? I knew that.”
The smile fell comically from Karen’s face. “How the fuck did you know?”
“Please, girl. I know you like the back of my hand. You think I haven’t noticed you don’t drink wine anymore, always ready with some excuse, or that you’re practically glowing from head to toe? I know wedding glow and I know baby glow, and you’ve definitely got baby glow.” She stood and walked over to her with her arms outstretched. “I’m so glad you finally told me! It was almost impossible for me to keep my mouth shut.”
The three of them were hugging each other with teary eyes when Nancy walked in.
“Why aren’t you in your dress yet, Karen? We’ve got to get moving!”
“Oh!” Karen extracted herself and rushed over to the portable rack. “Let’s get this bitch on and get this thing over with. There’s a hunky man out there waiting for me to put a ring on it.”
* * *
The ceremony went off without a hitch. Everything was beautiful. Red and white roses filled the chapel, skillfully arranged around a multitude of candles, creating a warm, intimate environment even though almost two hundred people packed the church. Karen and Jerry made a heartwarming sight standing on the altar reciting their vows to each other, the love between them apparent in their eyes and the big grins on their faces. Karen had been worried she would break down into sobs, insisting Shannon hide a wad of tissues in her bouquet, but she was strong and smiled at Jerry the whole time.
Matt was incredibly handsome in his tuxedo and Shannon felt beautiful on his arm. She wasn’t wild about the ruby-colored strapless floor-length dress she wore, but next to Matt, she could be wearing a black garbage bag and still be presentable.
He smiled warmly at her when she walked to his side before they headed down the aisle. For a moment, everything else fell away and it was just the two of them. Matt tucked her arm into the crook of his and said, “You look beautiful,” and Shannon believed him as she gazed into his warm eyes, her heart beating faster, but Nancy quickly broke the moment when she shooed them forward. She hoped that after the ceremony they could resume the harmless flirting started the night before, but she was now alone and Matt hadn’t paid her one iota of attention after dinner.
They’d enjoyed conversation while they ate, but when Shannon played the exchange back in her head, however, she could pinpoint exactly where he’d lost interest. What had started out as a nice and playful discussion quickly turned when her job came up, and that was all she’d talked about—how much time she had to put in, how she had no life and how all of her focus was on her career. That was the exact point he’d quieted down, and as soon as he’d finished eating, he’d excused himself.
She sighed and took another drink of her wine. Alone at the head table while everyone else mingled—even her nosey relatives were avoiding her—and she was trying hard not to, but she was starting to feel sorry for herself.
Happy people surrounded her, her sister was married and pregnant, and the one guy Shannon hoped to engage in some mindless flirting with had ditched her. She didn’t know why the melancholy, but it’d hit her suddenly as Karen and Jerry danced together, their first time as a married couple.
Shannon was happy with her life and loved her job, as demanding as it was, but there was a small worry that perhaps she was missing a great deal more and that panicked her. Was she truly okay with sacrificing so much now—the boyfriend, the wedding, and the kids—for a career that left no room for anything else? Was she really going to put everything off until sometime down the road? What if “sometime” never came? What if she missed her one chance because her focus was solely on her work?
Shannon scanned the room and her eyes kept coming back to Matt. He stood by the bar talking with some of his teammates. He’d removed his jacket, exposing his white shirt and charcoal vest and tie, looking like he should be on the cover of a magazine. She let herself daydream and imagine being with someone like him. It would be nice to have someone to talk to, to come home to and eat dinner with as they discussed their day; someone to get into bed with each night and have his strong arms wrapped around her. It would be nice, but she’d made her choices. She barely had time for herself, so she definitely did not have any for anyone else. If she wanted success, then this is what she had to do. There was no other choice.
The sound of throat-clearing boomed out loudly from the microphone on the stage where the band had cleared. She turned to find Jerry standing with Karen at his side.
“Can I get everyone’s attention for a second?” When the room quieted down, he smiled. “Thank you.
“Karen and I wanted to say we are so thankful all of you were able to share in our special day with us. I know I repeat some other opinions when I say I am shocked I managed to convince this beautiful, wonderful woman to marry me. I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but what I do know is I will spend the rest of my life paying her back the favor.”
Their guests cheered and clapped as Karen beamed at him, nodding.
Jerry cleared his throat and the room quieted again. “I don’t want to make all of you listen to me drone on and on with annoying lovey-dovey stuff, but I did want to say one thing.” He turned to Karen and took her hands in his. “I love you so much and I can’t wait for our lives to start together. Thank you for doing me the honor of being my wife. You make me so incredibly happy.”
Karen’s eyes filled and Shannon knew if she glanced around there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house. Her tears had
started the second he’d climbed on the stage.
Jerry reached behind him where a table stood. “And since I have your attention, Karen is allowing me to do this even though she didn’t want to yet, but I couldn’t wait a second longer. I’m excited as hell.” He pulled out his hands and held up a tiny Rockets jersey made for a small baby with the name Smutton on the back. “Sometime in the spring, the Rockets are going to have another Smutton on their roster!”
The room erupted in cheers and everyone rushed toward them to extend their congratulations. As happy as Shannon was for them, it all became a bit too much and she needed fresh air. She stood, but hesitated when she spotted her father’s tall frame heading in her direction.
Richard Morrison looked quite debonair in his black tuxedo and his silver hair combed back neat and slick, always perfect. A sophisticated and handsome man, and when Shannon stood next to him, it was clear where she’d inherited her height.
“Your mom is beside herself with this news,” he said, clasping his hands behind his back and facing the stage to watch the commotion around Karen and Jerry. As Karen’s stepfather, there was no love lost between them, as they were both opinionated and didn’t shy away from expressing it, especially with each other. But Shannon suspected he was at least a little excited at the possibility of a grandchild in his future, even if his demeanor said otherwise. “She’s been dying for a baby in the family. She was certain she was going to have to wait for you to have one, even though I told her no chance in that, since we never believed Karen would settle down.”
Shannon frowned. “What do you mean, no chance with me?”
His cool blue eyes assessed her. “Your career is your priority, not settling down and starting a family. You’re not interested in all that.”
“Well, I don’t know about not interested…” she started to say, but broke off when his eyes narrowed at her.
“Of course you’re not interested in that now,” her father clarified. “You need to focus and you can’t be distracted. We’ve talked about all of this. The sacrifices you need to make in order to follow your dreams.”
“Oh, yes. Of course.”
This was her dream, the one she’d had ever since she was a young girl and trailed her father to his office and even into the courtroom to watch him. She’d always admired him and was proud of the respect he received. He was so powerful and so confident that people looked up to him. Shannon wanted that and so he’d groomed her for success.
“Did you ever feel like you gave up too much?” she asked him suddenly.
“Hmm? What do you mean?” He turned toward her with an arched brow.
Shannon shrugged. “I don’t know. Like maybe you had to sacrifice too much?”
“Absolutely not,” he said. “It takes dedication, drive and hard work to be successful. You can’t achieve that if you only give part of yourself to it. If you want it all, you have to commit it all.”
“Makes sense,” she murmured.
He turned fully to her. “Is there a problem?”
“No.” She shook her head and gave him a small smile. “I was only wondering…if…I don’t know…if perhaps I shouldn’t give up too much.”
“Shannon, you are a driven, intelligent and exceptionally bright young woman. I have no doubt you’re going to be very successful. You’re young and have all the time in the world for whatever you want. Don’t worry about that,” he said with a smile and a pat on her arm before he turned and walked away.
Shannon eyed his departing back, and even though he’d been trying to cheer her up, she felt worse.
* * *
Matt was only half listening to his teammate as he watched Shannon talk with her father. He had no idea what they were discussing, but she appeared upset, and for some reason it bothered him more than it should that her always-present bright smile was absent.
He’d been looking forward to getting to know her over dinner, but then she’d starting talking about her job, the center of her life, and he’d understood that was all she had time for, all she wanted now. The revelation had been a mood-dampening dose of reality, even though he’d already known there was no point in asking her out, but a deep sense of disappointment settled over him anyway. He tried to ignore her, tell himself it wasn’t his business—she wasn’t his business—but when her father left her side and when he’d completely tuned out his buddy, he accepted he wasn’t going to be able to do just that.
Excusing himself, he strode across the room to her. “May I have this dance?”
Shannon turned and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of him before a smile broke out on her beautiful face. “Sure,” she said letting him take her hand in his to lead them to the dance floor.
Matt settled one of her hands on his shoulder as he held her close to him while trying to retain a respectable distance between them. The light citrusy scent of her perfume made his mouth water, and he had to restrain from pulling her closer.
“So,” Matt said, striving to make casual conversation but coming up empty.
“So,” she repeated and they both chuckled. Shannon cleared her throat and said, “I thought I’d run you off.”
“Why is that?”
“All the talk about my work. When I get on a roll, I don’t stop sometimes. Sorry.”
He turned them to avoid crashing into another couple who appeared at their side as he gave a small shrug. “There’s nothing wrong with being passionate about something. For you, it’s your job.”
“You too, but you’re not spouting off about it all the time.”
Matt smiled. “I get tired talking about my job. People are always asking me questions and sharing their opinions, whether I want them or not. It’s nice not to talk about it every once in a while.”
“I guess I feel the need to justify things,” Shannon told him.
He frowned. “Why’s that?”
It was her turn to shrug. “People don’t understand the sacrifices and commitment I need to make in order to be successful…to make partner. They feel sorry for me or think I use my job as an excuse as to why I don’t have a boyfriend or am not getting married and having kids, or whatever.”
“Who cares what other people think?” Matt asked. “As long as you’re happy with your decisions, then that’s all that matters. Are you happy with your decision?”
“Yes.” Her reply seemed rushed and forced, as if she was trying to convince not only him, but herself as well.
He didn’t point it out, however. “Then that’s all there is to it.”
“I know it sounds stupid. You think I’m stupid that I’m letting this bother me.”
“I don’t think you’re stupid. You should do what you want. If that’s being a lawyer, then go for it. If not, then find what you really want.”
“Yeah,” Shannon agreed as she stared off over his shoulder, but there was no mistaking the doubt in her voice. “I know. I only wish…never mind,” she said as she shook her head.
“What? You wish what?”
She gave him an embarrassed smile before looking down at their feet. “I just wish there was a way to know for sure, you know? Before it’s too late…”
“I think everyone wishes that. A quick peek into the future,” Matt said with a grin as she glanced up at him. “Definitely would make life easier.”
Shannon studied him. “Do you ever wonder?”
“Me?” Matt shook his head. “No, but that’s because baseball is all I ever wanted. There was no question for me. Without baseball, there’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” she asked with a raised brow.
“Nothing,” he repeated. “It’s who I am. I can’t even imagine not playing the game. I don’t want to, so don’t make me,” he joked.
Shannon laughed. “Okay, I won’t make you.”
They smiled at each other and heat passed between them, making him slightly dizzy. It was killing him not having her completely against him. Unable to resist anymore, he tightened his grip on her waist an
d pulled her closer. She felt wonderful in his arms. He loved being able to gaze directly into her eyes as they danced and that her lips were at the perfect height for his should he want to take them, and he realized that he did, very badly.
He cleared his throat. “Can I tell you something?”
“Sure,” she said with a questioning look.
“Remember when we met the first time? After that game?”
“Yes,” Shannon answered, sounding a little breathless.
“I really wanted to ask you out,” he admitted.
Her face flushed and filled with surprise. “You did?”
“Oh, yeah. Big time.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Matt turned the question back on her. “What would you have said?”
The corners of her mouth tipped up as she eyed him, probably wondering if she should be completely honest or not. She finally said, “Yes. I remember hoping you would.”
Matt tugged her closer still and, with the front of her flush against him, Shannon moved her arms around his neck, but her gaze stayed on his. The blacks of her pupils expanded as her lips parted slightly. “That would have been fun,” he said, his voice sounding rough and gravelly to his ears.
“It would have,” she agreed in almost a whisper.
“Too bad we can’t do anything about it now,” he said, keeping his focus on her to judge her reaction. “I mean, given everything…”
Shannon gave a slow nod as she swallowed, her attention fixated on his mouth. Her eyes flitted up to his before she closed the remaining gap separating them. Matt leaned the side of his head against hers as they moved in slow, tight circles. His hands traveled slowly up and down her back before lightly tracing a line across her narrow shoulders, and her arms tensed around his neck as her breasts rubbed against his chest. The clothes between them dulled the sensation, driving him mad, and he wanted nothing more than to remove all the layers separating them.
The song ended and the band started a club beat, but they still didn’t separate. As everyone danced around them, Matt stopped and turned so his lips brushed against her ear, and a shiver passed through her. “Do you want to get some air?”